Version 1.3
Date: Oct 15 2018

1. Introduction
2. Register User
3. IP cameras
4. Sensors
6. Alerts
7. Subdomains
8. REST services and M2MData arduino library

9. Related links
10. Credits


This platform is aimed at enthusiasts who have a basic knowledge of Internet of Thing (IoT) devices. M2mlight.com is a free basic platform service for IoT devices. You can store your cameras, sensors, actuators and alerts data in the cloud. Then, using your desktop or smartphone via the Internet, you can see the videos, graphs, maps and statistics of these devices.

Cameras, sensors and actuators can receive and send data using a microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi or Esp8266; and then, through a gateway or router can send this information to the m2mlight platform in the cloud.

HTTP and RTSP protocols are used for cameras; and, sensors, actuators and alarms use the HTTP and MQTT protocols

Examples of using this platform you can see in this link caletagreen.com.


In order to use this platform you need to register as a user using the option Login and then Register User.

A user account has the following main fields:
If you want to change your account information, including your password, you have to use the Account option.


An IP camera is a device connecting directly to an Ethernet network.

The IP CAMERAS option allows you to manage your Ip cameras. You can add, delete and edit a camera. It permits you to stop and start the motion characteristic of a camera. Also, you can monitor and see camera videos.

With the second part of this dialog, you can add or register a new camera. The maximum number of cameras that you can register is 4.

A camera has the following required fields:

In the first part of this dialog, you will find the list of your cameras. Using the Edit button you can update the camera properties. With the Delete button you remove a camera and its motion registers; you need to confirm this previously. The Stop button allow to stop motion property and the Start button allow to start motion property.

Api_key is the unique identifier of the camera and you can not change this value.

The Status of a camera can be:
Daemons process check periodically each camera and set this status.

Using the Monitor button you can see online the camera and its motions videos of the last month.

With the Live Cameras Panel button, you can see all cameras on line.


A sensor is a device that detects changes in the ambient conditions and transmits this information. For example, there are sensors of temperature, light, humidity, motion, electric current, power consumption, etc.

The SENSORS option allows you to manage your sensors. You can add, delete and edit a sensor. With this option you define sensors that have periodically values: singles values or location values (longitude and latitude). In this platform, coordinates values obtained from GPS devices are considered sensors.

For a sensor, you can upload data and see its status. For example, you can see if the sensors values are out of range, according to defined min and max limits.

Also, you can display and download stored data, and see graphs of these data.

With the second part of this dialog, you can add or register a new sensor. The maximum number of sensors you can register is 10.
A sensor has the following fields:

If you define minimum or maximum value, after each insert of a new value the system checks if this value exceeded the defined range and it informs you with an email.

In the first part of this dialog, you will find the list of your sensors. Using the Edit button you can update the sensor properties. With the Delete button you remove a sensor and its register values; you need to confirm this previously.  The Stop button set the disable status and the Start button set the enable status.

The Status of a sensor can be:

Daemons process check periodically each sensor and set this status. If a sensor has not registered a value in the cloud in the last 10 minutes, the system changes its state and sends a email message to user if Email-messages property is enable.

For a sensor, the minimum interval between two inserted values is 10 seconds. Namely, if you try to insert a value in a range of less than 10 seconds, the value will not inserted.

Also, for a sensor, the minimum interval between two emails sent is 3,600 seconds (one hour). Namely, if there are continuous news, you will receive a separate email for at least one hour.

Api_key is the unique identifier of the sensor and you can not change this value. You can add sensor values using this api_key and the Server functions or M2MData library.

The Graphics button allow you to see line graphs of these data, graphs by 5 minutes, an hour, a day, a week or a month. These graphics work with most popular browsers: Chrome and Firefox.

Using the Data button you can display and download stored data.

In the case of location sensors, with the Map button, you can see a Google Map with the location.

With the Live Sensor Panel button, you can see all sensors values on line in one screen. The screen is refreshed every 5 seconds.

If you do not want to see a sensor in this screen you can change the status to disable with the Stop button.


An actuator is a component that is responsible for controlling a mechanism or system. For example, turning on/off lights, turning on/off an sound alarm, opening or closing a door, etc.

The ACTUATORS option allows you to manage your actuators. You can add, delete and edit a actuator.

With this option you can do a remote control (manual or automatic) of an actuator.

Also, you can display and download registered actions of an actuator.

With the second part of this dialog, you can add or register a new actuator.

An actuator has the following fields:
In the first part of this dialog, you will find the list of your actuators. Using the Edit button you can update the actuator properties. With the Delete button you remove an actuator and its register values; you need to confirm this previously. The Stop button set the disable status and the Start button set the enable status.

The Status of an actuator can be:

For an actuator, the minimum interval between two emails sent due to an actuator action is 10 seconds.

Api_key is the unique identifier of the actuator and you can not change this value. You can manage actuators using this api_key and the Server functions or M2MData library.

The Do Now button execute immediately an actuator action at defined start HH:MM. It sends a message (http call) to controller device. This message is displayed on the screen and registered as an actuator manual action.

For a sensor, the Data button allows to see the executed actuators actions.


An alert is a message sent by e-mail that gives you useful information. You can define an alert when certain event occurs. For example: sensors of motion and occupancy, proximity sensors, contact sensors (open door or window), etc 

The ALERTS option allows you to manage your alerts. You can add, delete and edit an alert. Also, you can to display and download history stored data.

With the second part of this dialog, you can add or register a new alert.

An alert has the following fields:

In the first part of this dialog, you will find the list of your alerts. Using the Edit button you can update the alert properties. With the Delete button you remove an alert and its register values; you need to confirm this previously. The Stop button allow to disable an alert and the Start button allow to enable it. To send an e-mail the status must be enable.

The Status of an alert can be:

Api_key is the unique identifier of the alert and you can not change this value.

You can add alerts values using this api_key and the Server functions or M2MData library.

Using the Data button you can display and download stored data alerts sent.


M2Mlight platform offers a DNS (Domain Name Server) service if you have a domain name. You can use this option if you need an internal DNS at your home.

First, register your domain name in your m2mlight account. Next register here your subdomains and set in your main router the DNS equal to pdns.caletagreen.com.

A subdomain is a domain that is a part of a main domain. For example, the subdomain gardencontrol.caletegreen.com is part of the domain caletagreen.com. It is useful when you need to give a name to an internal IP address and then using this name internal o externally together with a port.

This local DNS is not related to the others options of cameras, sensors, alerts, etc. That is, you can use this Subdomains option regardless of the other options.

With the second part of this dialog, you can add or register a new sub-domain.  First, you need to register a domain using the Register User Dialog.

A sub-domain has the following fields:

In the first part of this dialog, you will find the list of your sub-domains. Using the Edit button you can update the sub-domains properties. With the Delete button you remove a sub-domain.


REST services (server functions) and a M2M Arduino library allow to use M2Mlight platform. First, you need to register the sensor, actuator or alert and then obtain the api_key in m2mlight.com.

You can find examples of this use in https://github.com/m2mlight/m2mData and projects located on www.caletagren.com.

These REST services and Arduino library can be used to send and receive values between the m2mlight platform and a program in a microcontroller or computer (arduino, raspberry, esp8266, etc.) or in a mobile device (tablet or smartphone).

The communication with the m2mlight platform can be using Ethernet (Arduino Ethernet or ENC28J60 shields) or GSM (SIM800L module).

You can download this library and see more information in: https://github.com/m2mlight/m2mData

8.1. REST services

To upload/download data to m2mlight platform using http from a browser or program, you can employ the following REST services:

a) Sensors:

-> Name: send_sensor_value

    Description: upload (save) a single sensor "value" of a sensor identified by "api_key"

    Call example: https://m2mlight.com/iot/send_sensor_value?api_key=250hhCIHeO&value=200

    Return: 0 if a value is successfully inserted, -1 for invalid api_key or disable status, -2 if the interval between two values is less than 10 seconds.

-> Name: send_sensor_location

   Description: upload (save) a location sensor "latitude" and "longitude of a sensor identified by "api_key"

   Call example: https://m2mlight.com/iot/send_sensor_location?api_key=26hyCIHeO&latitude=-0.158382&longitude=-78.45534
   Return: 0 if values are successfully inserted, -1 for invalid api_key or disable status, -2 if the interval between two values is less than 10 seconds.

-> Name: read_sensor_value

  Description: return the last stored value of a single sensor identified by "api_key"
  Call example: https://m2mlight.com/iot/read_sensor_value?api_key=300uhxXsAH

b) Actuators:

-> Name: send_email_action

  Description: send an email related to an actuator action identified by api_key. The minimum interval between two emails is 10 seconds.
  Call example: http://m2mlight.com/iot/send_email_action?api_key=LrkD1njci8

  Return: 0 if the mailing is successful

-> Name: read_actuator_hour

  Description: return the start hour (HH:MM) of an actuator identified by "api_key"
  Call example: http://m2mlight.com/iot/read_actuator_hour?api_key=180SgN4pHk

-> Name: update_actuator_hour

  Description: update the start hour "start_hour" of the actuator identified by "api_key"
  Call example: http://m2mlight.com/iot/update_actuator_hour?api_key=a6ruhxX&start_hour=10:30
  Return: -1 if HH:MM format is not correct

c) Alerts

-> Name: send_email_alert

  Description: send an email related to an alert identified by api_key. The minimum interval between two emails is the email_time_interval property
  Call example: http://m2mlight.com/iot/send_email_alert?api_key=6trkDnjci8

  Return: 0 if the mailing is successful

You can use these functions inside an C++ code (Arduino or Esp8266) or Python code (Raspberry). If you are using an Arduino is better to use the M2MData library.

If you are using a GSM/GPRS chip like SIM800L then you can connect to m2mlight.com directly with http commands. See example_use_sim800.ino.

8.2. M2MData Arduino library

The m2mData library is an Arduino library that allows you to store and retrieve data of sensors, actuators and alerts to/from m2mlight. You can use the http or mqtt protocol.

You can download this library from this link: https://github.com/m2mlight/m2mData

You need to create a m2mData folder in your Arduino Libraries and download the files: m2mData.h and m2mData.cpp

When Arduino is connected to Internet, you have the following functions:

a) Sensors

  // Store a single "value" of a sensor identified with "api_key" using the http protocol
  void sendValue(char api_key[], float value); 

  // Store a single "value" of a sensor identified with "api_key" using the mqtt protocol
  void sendValueMqtt(char api_key[], float value); 

  // Store coordinates values of a location sensor identified with "api_key"

  void sendCoordinates(char api_key[], float latitude, float longitude);

  // Return the last single value of a sensor identified with "api_key"
  float readValue(char api_key[]);

b) Actuators
  // Send an email about an action of an actuator identified with "api_key"
  void sendEmailAction(char api_key[]);
  // Return the star hour (HH:MM) of an actuator identified with "api_key"
  String readActuatorHour(char api_key[]);
  // Update the start hour "start_hour" (HH:MM) of an actuator identified with "api_key"
  void updateActuatorHour(char api_key[], char start_hour[]);

c) Alerts
  // Send an email of an alert identified with "api_key"
  void sendEmailAlert(char api_key[]);



Some open source software, used in this platform, deserve special credit: